Proline in Honey: The Key to Purity and Quality

  • By David McCoper

Published: Monday, January 8, 2024

Honey is a natural product that has been valued as both a delicious food and a source of healing from ancient times to the present. Proline, one of the natural components of honey, is an amino acid that plays the most important role in determining the quality and purity of honey.

Proline contributes to human health in many areas such as Skin Health, Collagen Production, Wound Healing, Joint and Cartilage Health, Immune System Support, Intestinal Health, and Cardiovascular Health, especially its Antioxidant Properties.

Biological Functions of Proline

  • Protein Structure and Stabilization

    Proline is a special amino acid. It is classified as an imino acid due to its unique pyrrolidine ring that stabilizes protein structures. This ring structure in its side chain contributes to the stabilization of secondary structures such as alpha helices and beta sheets. It also affects the viscosity and fluidity properties of honey.

  • Antioxidant Activity

    Proline found in honey has antioxidant properties that can neutralize free radicals. Antioxidants play an important role in preventing oxidative stress and resulting chronic diseases.

What is the Amount of Proline in Honey?

The amount of proline in honey varies depending on the source of the nectar, the types of flowers the bees visit, and the methods of processing the honey. Pure honey contains a minimum of 180 mg of proline per kilogram. This amount is directly related to the enzymatic activities of bees in the honey-making process. The amount of proline can reach values ​​up to 800 mg or even higher.

The Role of Proline in the Evaluation of Quality and Purity of Honey

Proline is used as a marker to evaluate the quality and naturalness of honey. Fake or poor-quality honey has low proline content. The naturalness and purity of honey are determined by analyzing its proline content. According to European Union standards, the proline content of natural honey should be at least 180 mg/kg. The higher the proline value, the higher the honey quality and health benefits.

How Can I Determine the Proline Value in Honey

Unfortunately, it is not possible to determine the proline value by looking at it with the naked eye or by making a practical application. This is only possible with a laboratory analysis. Nowadays, some honey companies share their analyses with consumers. This information can be taken into consideration when making a purchasing decision.

We Have Suggestions That Are Better Than Each Other

As Garisar, we continue to strengthen our passion for high quality. It is indispensable for us to produce honey with high proline value. Our lower limit for proline value is 400 ppm. We have many types of honey, each produced by a single group of bees in different locations and never a mixture. In any honey you buy from Garisar, you will be able to see not only the proline values but also the location and pollen values, especially the botanical diversity, which is critical for the health benefits of honey.