Hidden Gems Of Gourmets

There are some tastes known only by those who own the secret recipe. These tastes are sometimes hidden in a small town or region, sometimes in the depths of history as it is passed down from generation to generation in a small family, and sometimes in the wilderness untouched by human hands and unknown to anyone.


At Garisar, we are chasing after these hidden tastes for gourmets. So, wherever it is, we go and find the most delicious, the most natural, and carefully prepare it and present it to you

Garisar Gourmets 

Why We Choose to Stay Additive-Free

As Garisar, we do not use additives in any of our products. We offer you our products in their purest and most delicious form, preserving their naturalness. We do this because we have justified reasons to do so.

Original Tastes That Have Been Lost

 Unfortunately, it is becoming more and more challenging to reach original natural flavors every day. The new generation grew up with additive foods and forgot about natural flavors. As Garisar, we offer you the purest and most authentic flavors provided by nature, allowing you to rediscover these flavors

Healthy lifestyle

We know that healthy living is possible with proper nutrition. Additive-free products are the best choice for a healthy life. That's why, as Garisar, we offer you the best alternative with the products that we produce without using chemical preservatives and additives.

Food Safety

Our philosophy is to find hidden tastes and bring them to your table in their most natural form. For this purpose, we support all good agricultural practices, especially organic agriculture. When preparing our products, we do not include any unnatural ingredients. We do not use any artificial flavors, colorants, or additives. We prepare all products using artisanal and traditional methods and present them to you.

Our Quality Process

We start our food security from seed. Our first standard is that all our content is Non-GMO. We have separate planning for each product. We follow this process, which starts from the seed to the soil where the seed is grown, the climate of the region, and the enrichment protocols applied. We apply special protection protocols for each product during and after harvest. We choose the most natural applications with the same precision in the latest production stage.